Category Archives: Mudlumz

British Beatz (DVD, 2009)

A 2009 documentary following Skinnyman and Task Force, presented, produced and directed by Kate Yarwood.

The Back cover of the DVD summarises the documentary as follows:

British Beatz covers music and lifestyle, with raw live performances and extended interviews with U.K Hip Hop artists Skinnyman and Taskforce, as well as music video excerpts and interviews with “hoodie” school kids.

The music artists who are idols within youth culture and they are from poor backgrounds, council estates and social housing, but have managed to overcome many obstacles in their lives and still be successful. They talk about music scene, graffiti and social issues such as education, sex, drugs and single parenthood: “Don’t have babies when you’re a baby.” (Chester P – Taskforce). This is real reality TV. The music artists make radical comments on today’s society, as well as truthful statements about their lives and mistakes, in the hope that the young people who admire them will make better choices. “The positive of smoking weed is at first it’s fun. The negative is, for the rest of your life it’s not!” (Chester P, Taskforce).

Youth culture is crying out for something that reflects their real lifestyle.
This documentary aims to encourage understanding of what drives our urban youth, who are rarely represented in the media, except in negative terms. It is driven by an understanding of the powerful role music plays within youth culture, as well as the sex and drugs lifestyle which accompanies it and aims, through the words of the artists they admire, to encourage youth to think twice before jumping into situations which could affect the rest of their lives.

British Beatz: Presented, Produced & Directed by Kate Yarwood – 2009 DVD (Cover Image)

Mudlumz – Live Recordings & Flyers

The mid to late 1990s saw representatives of the Mud Fam and Bury Crew come together in their love of MC culture, build a street team alongside their herbal healing retail business and start hosting a regular live UK Hip Hop showcase in a variety of venues around London.

Mic Hosting duties on the nights were generally handled by the various Mud Fam and Bury Crew members with Intense, in particular, being instrumental in the promotion and organisation of the night.

Alongside the regular open mics the shows would feature regular appearances from the likes of Skinnyman, Chester P and the rest of Mud Fam and Bury alongside established UK Rap legends such as Silent Eclipse (MCD), unknown local MCs, emerging talent from within the scene at the time, and soon-to-be heavy hitters doing the rounds at the beginning of their careers (Roots Manuva and Blak Twang).

Below is an ever growing collection of the flyers and recordings from those nights that I will add to as I continue to scour the internet for the remnants of these scene-building moments in UK Hip Hop History…

Mudlumz Live 5 (Promo Cassette)
Mudlumz 1998